

安省自由党的安省住房计划向翻炒土地者发出警告Ontario Liberal housing plan puts land speculators on notice该计划还将瞄准未充分利用的土地,如空置商场和政府用地
多伦多—— 安省自由党领袖邓德华(Steven Del Duca)于5月9日宣布了安省自由党推动让租房者和购房者都更易于负担、自由住房更容易得到住房的党的地计划,这是计划警告自由党为安大略省的大胆愿景“成长养息的地方”中的一个重要组成部分。这项全面的向翻计划包括近四十项政策,要让购买、炒土28大神租赁和生活在一个家中更容易、发出更实惠。安省
安省自由党的计划将建造150万套住房,包括真正的加拿大预测可负担住房,比如为最需要的人建造新的社会和支持性住房。为了使住房建设速度翻倍,自由党计划将创建一个新的安大略住房建设公司(Ontario Home Building Corporation, OHBC),以融资并建造新的、可负担的住房。
安省自由党的综合住房计划将把房屋建设速度提高一倍,这一计划将赋权地方政府能够建造更多房屋。作为推进区域规划改革的重要一步,安省自由党政府将与市政合作伙伴一起迅速开展工作,允许在全省范围内可以依照当然权利(as-of-right)建造最多三个单元、两层楼的房屋——这一许可也扩展到“第二套间”(secondary suite)和“后巷屋”(laneway suites)。 
• 禁止新的非居民房产,并对空置房屋征税;• 对已批准建设许可而在坐等的土地投机者征收“不用即失去”(use it or lose it)措施,并将所得资金用于建设更多可负担住房;• 恢复安大略省所有住房的租金控制;• 对持续疏忽的房东处以更大的罚款;• 规范验房人员,使验房成为合法权利;• 确保购房者在被取消的住房项目中尽早得到退款,大幅提高损失押金的利率;
邓德华继续说道:“2018年,道格·福特承诺降低住房成本。四年来,省内平均房价飙升了50万元,而福特保守党炮制了一个又一个不完善的计划。安省自由党的住房负担能力计划把民众家庭放在第一位,给投机者以警告。我们向安大略关注住房负担能力的人们传达的信息很明确:您的选票,您的选择选择权。”          Ontario Liberal housing plan puts land speculators on noticePlan will target underused lands like stripmalls and government properties
TORONTO – Steven Del Duca has announced the Ontario Liberal plan to make housing more affordable and available to both renters and homebuyers – a key component of the party’s bold vision for Ontario, A Place to Grow. The comprehensive plan includes nearly forty policies that will make buying, renting, and living in a home easier and more affordable.
“It’s hard to have a conversation these days without hearing about the skyrocketing cost of housing. The fact is, it’s getting harder and harder for people to live in the neighbourhoods they grew up in,” said Del Duca. “Our Ontario Liberal plan will double the pace of homebuilding next year, and keep that pace going until we’ve built 1.5 million new homes on places like poorly used stripmalls, land held for speculation, and available government properties.”
The Ontario Liberal plan will build 1.5 million homes, including truly affordable homes like new social and supportive housing for people who need it. To help double the pace of homebuilding, the Liberal plan will create a new Ontario Home Building Corporation (OHBC) to finance and build new, affordable homes. 
This OHBC will work with local communities, as well as not-for-profit and private housing partners to build and maintain affordable homes of all types, either as a primary financing source or builder. Any homes sold by the OHBC will be available only to first-time home buyers, and any proceeds will go directly back into creating more affordable homes. The OHBC will have a mandate to immediately address the housing affordability crisis, cooling the market by ensuring homes – including affordable public homes – are built rapidly.
Ontario Liberals’ comprehensive housing plan to double the pace of homebuilding will also empower local governments to build more homes. As an important step toward zoning reform, an Ontario Liberal government will work quickly, together with municipal partners to allow homes with up to three units and two storeys to be built as-of-right across our province – with this permission also extending to secondary and laneway suites.
The Liberal plan for housing affordability will also:
• Ban new non-resident ownership and put a tax on empty homes;• Introduce “use it or lose it” levies on speculators sitting on serviced land who have approved building permits, and use the funds generated to get more affordable housing built;• Bring back rent control to all homes across Ontario;• Enforce larger fines for persistently negligent landlords;• Regulate home inspectors and make home inspections a legal right;• Ensure buyers are refunded sooner for canceled housing projects, with significantly higher interest rates on lost deposits;
“In 2018, Doug Ford promised to reduce the cost of housing. In the four years since, the average home price has skyrocketed by half a million dollars as the Ford Conservatives churned through inadequate plan after inadequate plan,” continued Del Duca. “The Ontario Liberal plan for housing affordability puts speculators on notice while putting families first. Our message to Ontarians concerned about housing affordability is clear: the choice is yours.”

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